
Positive Trends!

For ZESO Architect, the goal in 2021 has been to expand our activities after COVID-19 hit the aviation industry in 2020 and, thereby, our prominent engagement in this sector. Now we can look back, and according to the latest financial statement, we have succeeded in our goal. This has been possible with great support from our Chairman Iben Mai Winsløw. Furthermore, we can see the positive trends from 2021 continuing into 2022. 

Therefore, we have had the opportunity to continue the positive development with Colm Morgan becoming a partner. We are incredibly pleased to expand with Colm, who, in addition to his already seven years at ZESO, has a background as an architect in London, providing additional international experience. Colm plays an essential role in our projects for Copenhagen Airport and the airports in Greenland. Naturally, he will continue to do so now in a new position.

ZESO Architects is now owned equally by Claus Høeg Olsen, Kelly Nelson, Kristian Weber Thomsen, and, as a new addition, Colm Morgan. Additionally, the partnership still includes Kim Mangor Frederiksen and Ulrik Sludekilde.

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